Chris Ziesler rated it 4 of 5 stars · This book is a nicely paced and well executed narrative about a young woman called Free. Free is on the cusp of adulthood and is traveling across the country with no real plan other than to see as many Grateful Dead concerts as she can talk her way into. From the first page it is obvious that Free is more actively running away than she is running towards, although Litberg deftly conceals the true source of Free's angst until the plot is better developed. The book consists of a series of unfortunate events that Free needs to surmount to try to reconnect with her past and then onward to a better future. The characters, while not all lovable or attractive, are solid and believable and the story was sufficiently intriguing to make me want to take the journey with Free to her ultimate destination.
Laura reviewed Free A journey through the darkness and light of modern counterculture April 3, 2015 _Free_ holds your gaze and tells you its story unflinchingly, honestly, and with a simple, quiet elegance that really brings home the viewpoint character's innate strength, dignity, and longing to transcend the chaos of her origin--- Marvel should definitely option this woman to write origin-story novels for their characters: her voice would be perfect for it.